Who is V3EC? Who are your customers ? What are your values?
V3EC is a passenger transportation company with 100% electric vehicles. Its fleet is currently composed of 3 Tesla Model S with standard services on board. Our customers are professionals (company managers, executives, employees…), but also individuals.
Our values and our objectives are to make the chauffeur’s job evolve by being eco-responsible in our travels.

What were your main objectives in equipping your company with WAY-Plan software? Why WAY-Plan (and not another one) ?
The first objective was to help us in the organizational management (management, optimization and visibility of schedules, centralization of customers).
The second one was technical (order form, invoicing (in French or English) and statistics regarding our activity).
It is for these reasons that we chose WAY-Plan, which is the most adapted and complete software for our activity.
How long did it take you to learn WAY-Plan?
It took about 2 months to get used to WAY-Plan
What are your general impressions on the software ? Quality of the available functionalities and the induced work processes, pleasant to use on a daily basis?
We are very satisfied with it.
Indeed, we have all the general information available on the dashboard (graph of the turnover, the missions, the invoicing and the pending requests as well as the direct contacts to communicate with you). The Gesco tab is also very ergonomic (color codes).
Do you think that WAY-Plan has already brought a gain to your company in terms of : Optimized management time ? Communication with customers ? Peace of mind regarding regulations?
Indeed, it is certain that WAY-Plan has brought us enormous time savings.
Previously, the time for taking and processing information was about 15 minutes per customer. This time has been divided by 3 since the acquisition of WAY-Plan.
As far as communication with the customer is concerned, the most important point is the summary e-mail of the errand(s) sent to the customer.
It is true that this makes it much easier for us to comply with the legislation regarding the drafting of order forms, invoices including the payment conditions and surcharges in case of non-payment.
Are you satisfied with our service to users? Initial training, knowledge of your business, consideration of your needs, speed of response…
The training was very complete and the trainers very educational.
During our multiple contacts with your services, we were always well received and our problems were solved with patience.
Did your customers and partners notice a difference before/after WAY-Plan? What impressions did you gather?
Of course, our customers noticed the difference right away. Not only because of the completeness of the elements on the invoice, but also because of the speed with which the invoices are sent.
Would you recommend WAY-Plan to your colleagues?